Locum work
I missed the 10 week deadline for locum work. I submitted a Locum B form, the payment was made to NHS England at the time but has not yet been acknowledged by PCSE. What happens now?
If you submitted your locum forms and payment later than 10 weeks from the last date worked, the locum work should not be included in your Type 2 form. NHSE will arrange to refund the payment to you.
I work as a salaried GP and do locum work, but have opted not to pension locum work. Do I need to declare this anywhere on a type 2 form?
If you haven't pensioned your locum work, you must not include it on your Type 2 form.
Can I confirm if on maternity leave the employer should still be paying 14.38% on what I would have earned had I not been on maternity leave?
The practice continues to pay employer contributions on the pay a GP would have received if you had not been on approved (maternity, paternity, adoption, or sick) leave.
Does it matter if as a locum I have not been consistent in which tier rate I have selected on my form a/b?
PCSE will calculate whether you have paid the correct level of contributions for your locum work for the year when they process your Type 2 form and will let you know whether there is any shortfall or overpayment to be corrected.
Do you need to add yourself on the performer list for every practice you locum at?
No, you should only complete an employment change form on your Performer record to attach yourself to a practice for a salaried post.
Does all locum work need to be pensioned/added to this form? I did 4 locum shifts before starting my salaried job and have not done any more locum work.
If you pensioned your locum work by submitting Locum A and B forms you should include the contributions on your Type 2 form.
If I only do locum work is there a need to complete the type 2 form?
No, GPs who only do locum work are not required to complete a Type 2 form.
If you work both as a salaried and locum GP, can you choose whether you pension the locum work if you are part of the Pension Scheme for your salaried role?
Yes, a GP can decide whether or not to pension locum work. If you have chosen not to pension your locum work you mustn't include it on your Type 2 form.
What do I do if I have paid the wrong tier rate on the Locum A and B forms I have submitted?
PCSE will calculate whether you have paid the correct level of contributions for your locum work for the year when they process your Type 2 form and will let you know whether there is any shortfall you need to make payment for or any overpayment that needs to be refunded to you.
I work as a salaried GP and as a zero hour contract employee. I also worked as locum at times. Shall I mention all incomes on the Type 2 form?
You need to include your locum work if you opted to pension your locum income ie. submitted Locum A&B forms and paid locum pension contributions to NHS England.