Missing years
It does not give the option for filling out forms prior to 2016/2017, so how do we fill in previous forms?
For any years prior to 20216/17, you will need to submit a paper form. You can download these from the NHS Pensions website and submit them to PCSE via the GP Pensions enquiry form.
I have been a GP since 2007 but there are only forms showing since 2015/16. Why would that be? I am sure I submitted them every year.
Only forms from 2015/16 onwards are visible on PCSE Online, as only these years were migrated from the legacy NHAIS system.
You will be able to see contributions for your historic years in the NHS Pensions system.
Can I submit a 2022/2023 if I am still waiting for retrospective years to be reconciled?
You can submit your 2022/23 form, and it will be processed. However, pension records can only be updated sequentially.
This means that, if any certificates from previous years are missing, contributions for the most recent years will not show on the NHS Pensions system.
For instance, if a certificate is missing for the year 2015/16 then the Annual Benefit Statement will only reflect the pension figures up until 2015, even if the certificates for more recent years have been submitted.
How do you change previous years submissions if they are marked as approved?
You can resubmit a previously approved form if you need to make any corrections.
If you haven’t completed these forms in previous years, what should you do?
There is a Type 2 amnesty form on NHS Pensions website for historic years. It is important to complete and submit forms annually to ensure your pension record is accurate.