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General GP Pensions

How do I record that I am working for multiple practices on PCSE Online to make sure my pension contributions are taken correctly?

For each practice you work at as a salaried GP you need to update your Performer record on PCSE online. Please see the Performer List Performer Management user guide.

Where can I obtain an up-to-date statement of my Pensions record?

Please see the NHS Pensions website for further information: 

What is an ODS code?

The Organisation Data Service (ODS) is a national service for managing reference information about organisations that are involved in health and social care in England and beyond.

PCSE hold the ODS code as the unique identifier for a Practice.

You can find the ODS code PCSE hold for the practice or solo employer you have worked at by going to your Employee Contribution Statement on PCSE Online and clicking the 'select practices' drop down.  

How long should I expect to wait for a response to my query?

We aim to respond to all submissions/queries within 30 working days. However, please be advised that due to end of year pension administration, the GP Pensions team is currently working through a high volume of document submissions and queries and response times are currently longer than usual.

In the meantime, you may find that the answer to your query can be found in these frequently asked questions.

Can I check who is a pension scheme member at my practice?

You can identify which GPs are paying into the NHS pension scheme at your practice by reviewing your contractual statements on PCSE Online. Any GPs making contributions to their NHS pension will show under the pension contribution section. 

You can also check the joiner tab on PCSE Online, which will provide you with a list of all GPs at your practice who are having pension contributions deducted. 

Please be aware that you will need to have the required roles to access these screens. For more information on roles for PCSE Online, take a look at our User Management guide

PCSE can only confirm which GPs are making contributions to their NHS pensions. If you believe a GP is part of the NHS pension scheme and not making contributions, please contact NHS Pensions

How do I find out which pension scheme I am in (2008, 2025/16 etc)?

The scheme you have membership in should be shown on your Total Reward Statement/Annual Benefits Statement or in the My NHS Pension portal.
It will also show on any service statement or Annual Allowance statement provided by NHS Pensions.
If you do not have access to either of these, you can contact the pensions helpdesk on 0300 3301346 or 

Where do I find my NHS Pension Scheme Membership (SD) Number, and what is it?

Your NHS Pension Scheme Membership number is sometimes  referred to as your SD number, however 'SD number' is terminology being phased out by NHS Pensions.

Your NHS Pension Scheme Membership number is the 8 digit number that is your unique identifier in the NHS Pensions system.

Your NHS Pension Scheme Membership number can be found in the Employee Contribution Statement screen on PCSE Online if you have had pension contributions deducted via PCSE.

Your Pension Scheme membership number can also be found on any documentation you have from NHS Pensions.

If you are unable to locate your NHS Pension Scheme Membership number you can contact the Pensions Member team at  

Where can I find my registration code and personal ID code to sign up to the My NHS pension site?

If you require technical support for My NHS Pension, use our 'Contact Us' form and select the service 'My NHS Pension Portal Support'. 
Alternatively, you can email us at

Can I take a career break and still pay into my NHS pension?

If you take authorised leave or a career break, you can choose to remain pensionable for up to 6 months.

If the authorised leave is pensionable, you must make arrangements with your employer to pay contributions continuously during the break.

If you do not stop paying pension contributions in the first 6 months, you can choose to pay contributions for a further 18 months. If you wish to continue contributing during the 18 month period, you’re responsible for the employee and employer pension contributions.

If GPs are automatically given access, what about non-GP partners who need to access the pensions screens?

Non-GP partners are not given roles automatically as they aren’t on the performers list, however your practice user administrator for GP Payments and Pensions can give them the Non-GP partner role.

Do I need an N3 connection to access PCSE Online?

No, PCSE Online is a secure web based system that uses encrypted communications. Access to PCSE Online is controlled through Role Based Access Control and these roles are both assigned and managed by a User Administrator within the practice.

Can Practice Managers view employee contribution statements?

Currently Practice Managers are unable to view contribution statements but we are looking into this to make it possible.

Each GP can download a copy of their statement and provide it to the Practice Manager or their Accountant.

Will GPs have access to details of income recorded on their records which have been migrated over from the old system?

Yes, GPs will be able to see the last 7 years data back to 2014/15. The system will show 6 previous financial years plus the current financial year.

Can I download my employee contribution statement?

The GP can download either CSV or a PDF of their employee contribution statements on PCSE Online. They can also download a PDF of any forms they have filled in via the solution.

I have pensions contributions missing from my record, or they're incorrect. What do I need to do?

Please submit the certificate or pay evidence for the financial year these contribution relate to, to the PCSE pensions team. We will then review the detail, and make any adjustments to ensure your pension record if fully up to date.  

I have a question about pension contributions.

We have produced a new guide to help you understand why pension contributions might not reflect what you're expecting.

Topics covered include:

Information on how to resolve various queries
Answers to key questions about why there might be changes in contributions
How to complete a joiner/leaver form

Managing Pension Contributions guide.

I’m having difficulty accessing my pension statement, could this be due to my pension being under a different surname?

If you are a General Practitioner (GP) that practices under a different surname, you may have issues accessing your statement due to the verification process used.

If you have issues accessing your statement due to practising under a different surname, please contact NHS Pensions directly by emailing and include your membership or NI number

I want to top up or increase my pension – how do I do this?

There are different ways to increase your pension:

  • Additional Pension
  • Bigger lump sum purchase
  • Early Retirement Reduction Buy Out (ERRBO)
  • Half Cost Added Years
  • Money Purchase Additional Voluntary Contributions (MPAVC)
  • Stakeholder Pensions

Visit the NHSBSA Increasing Your Pension webpage for more information on all of the options available.

If you need to submit any forms to us or have a query, you can visit the Contact Us page and complete a new GP pensions enquiry.

I am a GP and would like to change my name on my pension record. How do I do this?

You need to notify PCSE using the online form available on the ‘Contact us’ page. Select ‘Pensions’ and complete your details. Then select the ‘Additional pension/ AVC/Top up’ option from the drop down list and upload your proof of identity, address and a marriage certificate and we will update your pension record.

When making a BAC/online banking pension payment, what should I use as the payment reference?

When making a payment please enter the reference in the following format:

Practice code – year ending – GP’s full name

For example: P82004YEND2018- DR John Smith

PCSE’s customer support centre can provide NHS England’s bank details over the phone.

Who do I contact if I have a query regarding a private pension scheme deduction?

Please note that PCSE is unable to answer queries regarding private pension schemes. NHS England advises practitioners to contact the ICB or regional team that requested the deduction of private pension contributions from the practice payment.

What should I do if my pension form is too big to upload to the online form?

Please download the forms directly from the NHS BSA website, complete it electronically, save it and upload it directly to the online form. As long as you can provide a address as a contact email address there is no need to print it off, sign it and scan back in, which often makes the file size much larger.

If you don’t have an email address, please upload the form without the signature, and upload a separate page with the signature(s) on. The form will allow you to upload up to five documents in one submission.

How do I access the online enquiries form?

The enquiries form is accessible on the 'Contact us' page of the PCSE website. 

When will I receive my acknowledgement and copy of my submission?

You will receive an automated email reply within 10-20 minutes.

What is the maximum file size I can upload?

The maximum file size per attachment is 3.2MB. 

Which file type should I select to upload my documents in?

The online form supports these various types of uploads, bmp, doc, docx, gif, jpg, pdf, png, rtf, tif, txt, xls, xlsx, ods, odt. However, the most frequently used file types which are recommended are pdf and excel files.

Can I upload forms/documents via the online form?

Yes, if you select an option where there is a requirement to submit a form/document you will be provided with the option to upload and attach up to eight documents as part of your submission.