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Subject Access Request


If you are not registered with a GP practice in England and are looking to access your own medical record, you can submit a ‘Subject Access Request’. Please read the below information.

The form can also be used if you are acting on behalf of someone else (who is not already registered with a GP practice in England), and wish to access their medical record.

If you are registered with a GP, PCSE cannot provide disclosure.

If an application is received for a registered patient, you will be directed to the current registered GP.

What happens when your request is submitted?

We will:

  1. Process your application and order the medical record from our offsite storage facility
  2. An NHS England Health Professional will review the request and medical record in line with the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) PCSE have 28 days to complete your request.
  3. If the Health Professional confirms that the records can be released, a copy of the record will be sent to you electronically by secure email
  4. Your request will be complete

You can find out more about access NHS England encrypted emails here.

Consent to email your completed request

In agreement with NHS England, PCSE is now able to complete your request via secure email. This is also the fastest way to make a request for access to medical records.
Please note: by submitting your AHR or SAR request online, you are consenting to receive any communication/records via secure email. For guidance on how to access these emails, please click here.

Your Data

Any information you have supplied in making this request will be treated in confidence. 

It will only be used for the purpose of carrying out your request in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. 

After your request is completed, your information will be retained for a statutory time period (currently 6 years), after which date it will be securely destroyed.​ 

Paper Access to Health Records Request

Making an online application is the most efficient way to submit your application. The online form captures all required information, and allows you to upload electronic copies of supporting documentation.

However we recognise this might not always be possible. 

Making a paper Subject Access Request
  1. Download and complete the Subject Access request application form
  2. Send the completed application form along with your supporting documents by email to or by post to Primary Care Support England, PO Box 350, Darlington, DL1 9QN

A list of supporting documents can be found within the application form.

We will:

  1. Process your application and order the medical record from our offsite storage facility
  2. An NHS England Health Professional will review the request and medical record in line with the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA)
  3. If the Health Professional confirms that the records can be released a copy of the record will be sent to you and your request will be complete



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