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Primary care reports and data


The NHAIS systems in England, Wales and Isle of Man are in the process of being replaced by a range of new digital services.

NHS England is working alongside other parties to de-commission NHAIS by replacing it with more modern and efficient processes. Part of this work involves the reporting function on Primary Care Information Service (PCIS) and this service is no longer available.  

Please note, Cervical screening functionality within Open Exeter will remain unaffected until further notice.

Here is a current summary of where to access the latest reports and data previously held on Open Exeter.


Note for Commissioners

Access to several patient and GP practice reports are now available in PCRM via Spine Reporting Service (SRS) and users will need to access these directly, rather than requesting reports via Primary Care Support England (PCSE). Users will need NHS smartcards to access the reports. 

Support is available for users who can create an account with NHS England Transformation Directorate – Live Services portal via the following link:

National Screening Information

You can find a variety of published reports via the links below. 

The national GP Practice profile reports including uptake and coverage at GP practice levels are still available via Open Exeter for Cervical screening.

Please note: All other local screening processes currently on Open Exeter will remain the same.

List Sizes, Capitation Data and Patient Registration information

Use NHS England's interactive dashboard to find out the number of patients registered at a GP practice. The numbers can be shown at national, Commissioner or GP practice level, and GP practices can be compared to one another. Commissioners will also receive capitation and patient registration reports from NHS England on a quarterly basis, if you would like to request this information email the team at

Performers List Reports

Public Performers List: Anyone can easily search for Performers on the Performers List for England, filtering by type of Performer, name, Commissioning area or Practice.

PCSE Online portal: If you are an NHS England user on PCSE Online, you can also access additional information about performers and practices by logging into the portal. If you are an approved user you can view a Performer’s contact details, information about what Practice(s) they are attached to and their personal details. You will also be able to select a Practice and view any Performers associated with that Practice.

Can't find the report you're looking for?

If you require any other data that was previously available via PCIS that is not covered in the list above, please email

Any new requests for other patient identifiable information should follow established NHS data request procedures and will be subject to review and approval. Please email for further information and the latest application form.

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