Employee Contribution Statement
Is there a way to give accountants access to the employee contribution statements?
No, GPs need to download their employee contribution statement and forward it to their accountant or advisor.
What do you need to do if your contribution statement shows 'monthly salary' instead of 'profit share & other income' when you are a Type 1 practitioner?
If your income type is showing as monthly salary when you were a Partner, please make sure you submitted a Performer employment change from salaried GP to Principal on PCSE Online and that it is showing as approved. If it is Pending, speak to the Practice Manager to get this approved.
If your employment status as Principal is approved, speak to the Practice Manager as they will need to update your income type. This is done by them completing the Pensions “Leaver” form on PCSE Online to end your salaried role and then completing a Pensions Joiner form to commence your role as a Partner. This will automatically update your Employee Contribution Statement on PCSE Online. After these steps have been completed you will be able to submit your end of year form for 2022/23.
If you have never been a salaried GP at the practice, please use the “Pensions Contribution Query” option on the Contact Us form and provide the details of how what you are expecting to see on your statement differs from what PCSE Online is showing so that we can investigate for you.
What's showing on my Employee Contribution statement differs from what shows on my payslip/practice GMS statement?
Your Employee Contribution Statement on PCSE Online shows the contributions that have been deducted from the practice based on the Pensionable Pay and Tier Rate figures they entered on the Annual Estimate they submitted at the start of the pension year. It is quite common that these figures differ from what you see on your payslips.
On the 2023/24 Type 2 form you need to enter the employee contributions shown on your payslips in Box 2a (Conts already paid by the salaried GP). The figure from your PCSE Online Employee Contribution Statement should be entered in Box 2c. Note Box 2c is not mandatory.
We have quite a few clients who are correctly recorded as a Partner and deductions have been taken as such, but an end of year/in year adjustment has been allocated to "Monthly Salary" on the employee contribution statement.
This needs to be corrected before the certificate can be reconciled.
Please use the “Pensions Contribution Query” option on the Contact Us form and provide the details of how what you are expecting to see on your statement differs from what PCSE Online is showing so that we can investigate for you.
Only GPs can access the employee contribution statements. Is there going to be any access for practice managers/partners/accountants in the future?
NHSE and PCSE are currently exploring enhanced functionality to enable GP accountants to access GPs employee contribution statements where appropriate.
Where can i get the 'contributions already paid' figures to complete my Type 2 form?
Log into PCSE Online and click on Employee Contribution Statement, then select 2022/23 in the Financial Year box. You can download the statement as a PDF or csv file.
If you had more than one role in 2022/23 you can click on Income Type or Practice to filter on screen.
If an accountant or advisor is completing an end of year form on your behalf, download and forward the Employee Contribution Statement to them.
What do I do if the practice I worked at in 2022/23 is not showing on my Employee Contribution Statement?
The most likely reason for this is that the practice has not submitted a Pensions Joiner form for you.
If you are a GP:
- click the Performer List button on PCSE Online and make sure the employment change you submitted when you started at the practice is showing as approved. If it is Pending, speak to the Practice Manager to get this approved.
- if your employment status is approved then speak to the Practice Manager to get them to submit as Pensions Joiner form on PCSE Online. This will automatically collect the contributions due to date from the practice in their next monthly statement and will update your Employee Contribution Statement on PCSE Online.
If you are a non GP Partner:
- speak to the Practice Manager to get them to assign you the GP Partner role and submit as Pensions Joiner form on PCSE Online. This will automatically collect the contributions due to date from the practice in their next monthly statement and will update your Employee Contribution Statement on PCSE Online.
- if the Practice Manager is unable to submit a Joiner form for you on the system they should contact PCSE with your Pension Scheme Membership number (SD number) as this needs to be added to your PCSE Online record to allow them to proceed with the Joiner
Where can i get the 'contributions already paid' figures to complete my Type 1 form?
Log into PCSE Online and click on Employee Contribution Statement, then select 2022/23 in the Financial Year box. You can download the statement as a PDF or csv file.
If you had more than one role in 2022/23 you can click on Income Type or Practice to filter on screen.
If an accountant or advisor is completing an end of year form on your behalf, download and forward the Employee Contribution Statement to them.