Records movement & PCSE Online
Managing the Records In/Out section on PCSE Online
Please read the scenarios below for guidance on managing the Records In/Out section on PCSE Online.
- Records In showing as not received, but we have them
If the paper records have been received at your practice, you can manually mark the records as received by clicking on the movement number and selecting "In storage at GP practice".
If you have received the records successfully via the GP2GP service, you can manually mark the records as received by clicking on the movement number and selecting "In storage at GP practice".
- Records In showing as 'No Paper Record'
The 'No Paper Record' status is to advise GP's that there should be no paper records and to expect the records to be received GP2GP.
If the records are not received successfully GP2GP and there is not another movement on the Records In section that shows the previous GP requesting a label to send your practice a hard copy of the notes.
Please raise a query via the Contact Us page on the PCSE website, selecting Medical Record Movement enquiries providing known details for the patient and movement numbers. (For multiple patients - the list can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet from PCSE Online.)
- Records out - historic patients who have left or are deceased, but not received records
Please raise a query via the Contact Us page on the PCSE website, selecting Medical Record Movement enquiry and provide known details for the patient and movement numbers. (For multiple patients, the list can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet from PCSE Online). The medical records team will be able to investigate further and cancel movements where records have not reached your practice.
- No paper records at the practice for a patient on Records out
If the medical records have been digitised, you should send the new GP a digitisation letter.
If GP2GP fails, you will need to print all electronic records and use the tracking label to send a hard copy of the records.
If no records have ever received at your practice, you should send a compliment slip alongside all the notes your practice have created to the new GP advising you never received the original records. The new GP will then need to raise an Incomplete records case with PCSE.
Since January 2021, New Patient Records (NPR) (Empty Lloyd Georges) for babies/immigrants are no longer produced. These can be identified by the 'No NPR created' status on the 'Record In' section of the portal.
When the 'No NPR Created' patients move GP's their movements can be identified as 'No Paper Record' in the Records In/Out' sections. You will only need to construct a Lloyd George when the patient has been deducted and the GP2GP transfer fails.
How can we obtain electronic records we are waiting for that were last held by a closed practice?
PCSE have been advised in these instances to contact the ICB for the closed practice as they store the closed practices electronic records on some occasions.
Transfer of patient records from an English practice to a practice in Wales/Scotland or Northern Ireland
The Home Nations has raised concerns regarding the transfer of patient records from GPs in England to GPs in Wales/Scotland and Northern Ireland. It has come to light that some GPs within these areas are receiving incomplete paper medical records in the form of empty Lloyd George envelopes from GPs in England when their patients transfer. This leads to GPs in these areas needing to request additional information and not able to understand their new patients’ needs. As you know, the GP2GP electronic patient records transfer system does not work for people moving from England to out of area practices. GPs are thereby reminded that when a patient has transferred to a GP in Wales/Scotland or Northern Ireland and they receive a request to transfer their record, the Lloyd George envelope should contain the full printout of the electronic record and sent via the Primary Care Support England process (PCSE). GPs are advised to contact PCSE if they required support on the process. The GP practice remains responsible for ensuring the transfer of patient records (electronic and paper Lloyd George notes) and confidential information to the GP at out of area practices, having full regard to confidentiality and data protection requirements, Records Management: NHS Code of Practice guidance, and any relevant guidance from the Health & Social Care Information Centre or the Information Commissioner's Office.”
What do I do with records or notes not for my practice?
Practices should use the new ‘Request Movement’ area of PCSE Online to request the movement of:
- Records for patients no longer registered at your practice
- Additional notes for a record you have already returned
- A record you were not expecting
You’ll be asked to enter the patient’s NHS number on PCSE Online. CitySprint will deliver a tracking label for the record movement with your usual records collections and delivery. You can then put the record in a shipping bag, affix the label, and leave for CitySprint to collect.
If you have historic patient records you no longer have NHS numbers for, please raise a query via the Contact Us page on the PCSE website, selecting Medical Record Movement enquiries providing known details for the patient.
The Medical Records team will attempt to trace the patients new NHS number and issue a label to the practice to collect the records.
If PCSE cannot trace the patient, then your practice will be advised to return the records using a GMS3 label. (For multiple patients - please use an excel spreadsheet and include Name, DOB, NHS number. If no NHS number include Old NHS number & address details)
We haven’t received the records for one of our new patients – we need them urgently
To request an urgent medical record, visit our Contact Us page and and complete a new Medical Record Movement enquiry.
When an urgent medical record has been successfully submitted, you will receive an email notification confirming that the request has been received. The email will contain a case reference number which can be used to follow up on the case if required.
Please note that only contacts registered with PCSE will be able to submit urgent medical record requests using the new form. In order to become a registered contact, the main contact we hold for your organisation can register you on PCSE Online via the ‘User Management’ section.
You should only use this form if your request is clinically urgent, or if the request is in relation to adoption, witness protection or a safeguarding investigation.
PCSE will then arrange for the patient’s previous GP to fax or email the clinically urgent information to your practice. For information governance reasons, we can only accept and send emails containing patient information from email accounts. We will also ask the practice to release the paper medical record in their next CitySprint collection.
Please note, this urgent request process doesn’t necessarily accelerate the time it will take to move the paper record.
If you have any queries on this new process, please contact us via the online enquiries form. Select ‘Medical record movement’ and complete the details requested.
I have received a deduction request for a patient that is not leaving my practice
Please visit the Contact Us page and complete a new Medical Record Movement enquiry.
I have deducted a record / registered a patient but the movement is not showing on PCSE Online?
It is likely that the change is still being processed on our system, through SPINE. It can take some time for the change to be validated, so please wait a few days and check the system again. If it is still not visible, then please visit the Contact Us page and complete a new Medical Record Movement enquiry.
What will happen when I register a new patient?
New registrants include babies, patients recently arrived from overseas and any other patients who have an NHS number allocated for the first time at the point of registration.
As part of NHS England's push to digitise medical records the issuing of new medical record envelopes (Lloyd Georges) for patients registering with the NHS for the first time has now been ceased.
Any registrations processed after the 1st January 2021 for these groups will not be automatically issued with a physical medical record as previously occurred. Practices that are unable to scan notes onto an electronic record are still be able to order a Lloyd George for transferring records.
PCSE will then send a new registration letter directly to the patient’s home address.
Replacement registration letters or medical cards are not provided. If a patient needs their NHS number, they can get this from their current GP.