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Paying Pension contributions to NHS England


Locum Pensions contributions must be submitted by BACS to NHS England.

To make a BACS payment, you will need:

1.The NHS England bank account number and sort code
2.Your BACS reference

We are unable to publish NHS England bank details for security reasons - please call our Customer Support Centre on 0333 014 2884 for this information.

BACS reference number

Your BACS reference is made up of:
- Your 8 digit Pension Scheme Membership Number (SD number) 
-  LOC for locum payments (3 characters)
-  Month (3 characters) and Year (4 characters) the locum work was carried out

For example, if your SD number is 12345678 and you are making a payment for pension contributions for work carried out in March 2023, your BACS reference would be 12345678LOCMAR2023. 

It is important to use the correct BACS reference format to ensure your payment can be matched accurately to your forms and your record can be updated.

Important information for Locum GPs:

Please note, if you have submitted your Locum form via PCSE Online, you will see that the BACS reference that has been generated by the system is in the format of 12345678LOCMAR2022 with a suffix of ‘-01’ or ‘-02’  

Please ignore the suffix and use the 12345678LOCMAR2022 format as the BACS reference when you make your payment.

If you have any questions, you can contact us using our enquiry form.

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