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View practice statements


Monthly Practice statements can only be viewed by Commissioners who have been given the appropriate role by a user with the 'GPP - COM User Management' role.

If you do not have the option to view statements, speak to your 'GPP - COM User Management' colleague. 

You can find out more in our interactive User Management guide found here. All of the roles and permissions for Commissioner users are listed in this document.

Statements on PCSE Online include: 

  • monthly practice payments and pay codes
  • a breakdown of all payment claims 
  • expected payment dates 
  • pension deductions taken from practices 
  • pension deductions for a member to-date 

Search for a statement

You can easily search for a statement in a number of ways:

  • by organisation number or name
  • by statement type
  • by date

Once the search criteria has been set, click Search and all relevant statements will be displayed. 

You can also print the statement or download as in PDF or CSV format.

View a statement

Select your statement from the list displayed. 

Details of the statement will show, and you can choose to expand or collapse all fields or click on individual statement fields for a more detailed breakdown.

Historic statements

Historic statements, also known as migrated statements, are available to view in PCSE Online. 

Please see page 10 of the Statements guide, accessible via the link below.

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