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Alternative ways to submit

PCSE Online

To save time and help avoid any errors or delays, the best way to submit your End of Year forms is via PCSE Online. 

  • Complete and submit your certificate for processing by inputting direct into the system 
  • Save time - PCSE Online automatically populates the form with your details and the contributions we have on record for you
  • Avoid errors and delays - PCSE Online will validate your submission and highlight any missing mandatory information, ensuring you get it right first time and preventing delays in processing.

Download forms from NHS Pensions website

If you cannot use PCSE Online, Type 1 Annual Certificates of Pensionable Profit and Type 2 Self-Assessment of Pensionable Earnings can still be completed and submitted to PCSE.

The 2022/23 Type 1 and Type 2 forms and associated guidance have been published by NHS Pensions.

You can download these from the  NHS Pensions website, using the link below.

Submit forms

The deadline for submission of 2022/23 Type 1 and Type 2 forms is 31 March 2024.

You can submit the completed forms from the Contact us page - use the link below.

Select GP Pensions, GP Pensions enquiry and then New GP Pensions enquiry. 

You can attach your pensions forms to the online enquiry and submit.

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