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Additional voluntary contributions (AVC)


GP Pension Scheme members can view Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) by logging into PCSE Online. Simply select the GP Pensions tab and click the Additional Voluntary Contributions option from the dashboard.

More information is available in the AVC user guide. 

Apply for or stop AVCs

Information on how to apply for or stop additional voluntary contributions to your pension scheme can be found on the NHS Pensions website, via the link below.

The following should be submitted to PCSE via the Contact us page - use the link below:

  • Additional Pension Application forms (AP1)
  • Early Retirement Reduction Buy Out (ERRBO) applications
  • application to stop or amend voluntary contributions

Once your form has been validated, we will send it to NHS Pensions. 

If NHS Pensions agree your application, they will send it back to PCSE to process.


The user guide below contains more detailed information about AVCs.

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