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View your Employee Contribution Certificate


The Employee Contribution Statement will show you the pension contributions you have made in a given financial year, and the search facility will give you a month by month breakdown of that year's contributions. 

To make sure everything's correct, check out your employee contributions for the financial years you've already submitted. Just log into PCSE Online, select the GP Pensions tab and click Employee Contribution Statement option on the dashboard.

Employee Contribution Statement Search

In the search section, you can filter by financial year, practice and pension scheme type. 

The search will return, by month within the financial year and for the practice selected, details of:

  • Month income
  • Employee contribution
  • AVC contribution
  • Tier rate
  • Total amount

You can complete an End of Year form for any missing years, depending on the type of work you completed during those years. Find out more here.

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