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GP contract variations and adjustments

Manage monthly payment schedules

All existing payment arrangements are accessed via PCSE Online. 

Adjustments to payment schedules need to be made using a contract variation spreadsheet, and uploaded directly to PCSE Online by the Commissioner. 

Once submitted, adjustments will be included in the practice’s next payment run.

Note to Commissioners

In relation to the Contract Variation template and depending on how your computer is set up, when creating the csv file and trying to upload this into PCSE Online, the system may indicate there are extra columns.

To fix this, when uploading the template on PCSE Online select Column K to Column P and press delete. This will clean out any potential data issues. You should then be able to upload your contract variation file.

The “NPP Payment Month” column on the contract variation tab only needs to be completed for Network Participation (NPP) Payments uploaded via the template.

The “Financial Year” column has now been updated to “NPP / QOF Financial Year”. This column now needs to be completed for Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF) Payments and for any NPP Payments uploaded via the template.

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