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Quality Outcome Framework (QOF)


Information regarding practice QOF Aspirational and Achievement payments can be found in the QOF Payment Instruction screen in PCSE Online. 

The migration of historic QOF data from Open Exeter to PCSE Online means the displayed QOF Achievement data will have a different meaning depending on which year you are viewing.

  • Pre 20/21 financial year – this is historic payment data that has been migrated from NHAIS to PCSE Online
  • 20/21 financial year – this is a combination of migrated payment data and PCSE Online generated payment data
  • 21/22 financial year onwards – this will be entirely PCSE Online generated payment data

QOF Aspirational figures will always be the total QOF value based on the annual amounts defined for the year you are viewing.

We have provided examples below.

Pre 2020/21 Financial Year

QOF Achievement – This is the value of the achievement provided by CQRS, however this is for the previous financial year as PCSE Online displays this information based on the year it was paid. NHAIS did not hold the year the payment relates to, only the date it was paid.

Total Value Paid – This is the Aspirational payments made plus the Achievement Value for the previous year.

In this example, the QOF Achievement of £16,285.44 for 2018/19 actually relates to the financial year 2017/18.

2020/21 Financial Year

The information displayed in the Payment Instruction Screen will depend on 2 scenarios.

Scenario 1 – CQRS Achievement figure not received for 2020/21 financial year

QOF Achievement – This is the value of the achievement provided by CQRS, however this is for the previous financial year as PCSE Online displays this information based on the year it was paid. NHAIS did not hold the year the payment relates to, only the date it was paid.

Total Value Paid – this is the Aspirational Value plus the Achievement Value for the previous year.

In this example, the QOF Achievement value of £18,380.57 for 2020/21 actually relates to the financial year 2019/20.

Scenario 2 – CQRS Achievement figure received for 2020/21 financial year

QOF Achievement – the value of the achievement figure provided by CQRS for the 20/21 financial year

Total Value Paid – this is the Aspirational Value, plus the difference in achievement vs aspiration for 20/21 year plus the Achievement Value for 19/20. 

In this example, there is QOF Aspirational figure of £44,931.25, plus the QOF Achievement figure provided by CQRS of £250,000 - note the true CQRS achievement payment for 20/21 is £205,608.75 - plus the achievement value for 19/20 of £18,380.57

Clicking the 2020/21 hyperlink shows you the individual figures.

2021/22 Financial Year Onwards

The information displayed in the Payment Instruction Screen will depend on 2 scenarios.

Scenario 1 – CQRS Achievement figure not received for 21/22 financial year

QOF Achievement – this will be 0, as no value to date has been received

Total Value Paid – this is the value of the Aspirational payments made to date.

In this example, 1 month payment has been processed.

Click to enlarge the image


Scenario 2 – Year complete, CQRS Achievement figure received for 21/22 financial year

QOF Achievement – this will be the actual figure sent by CQRS.

Total Value Paid – this is the value of the Aspirational payments made for the Financial year and the value of the Achievement Adjustment.

In this example, £300,000 was received (but note the achievement payment was £100,000)

£200,000 Aspirational payment + £100,000 Achievement adjustment = £300,000 payment.

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